The challenge for food waste processors is finding pumps for their applications that are versatile and robust enough to pump through a variety of conditions. This was just the case for a Fresno, California based alternative energy company who earned a multi-year contract to accept expired and spoiled canned tomato paste, tomato sauce, fruit juice, ketchup and bulk tomatoes for Fresno and Bakersfield area grocery stores, prisons, hospitals, food preparations companies and more.
Food Waste Pumps – Food Processing Facilities

Resolving Sewage Pump Problems at Smaller WWTP’s

How to resolve sewage pumping problems at smaller WWTP’s is a question on the minds of thousands of operators worldwide. These facilities pump municipal sewage, storm water, melting snow, road grit and so much more for smaller communities. While the gallons per day pumped may not be as high as urban sewage treatment plants, the need for reliable sludge pumps is just as great. Wastecorp was contacted by a South New Jersey WWTP to provide upgraded sewage pumps to transfer wastewater, sludge and storm water from a smaller holding tank area. The pumps then transfer waste to both the facility’s lift station and digesters. The sewage pumps were also specified to unload local tanker trucks delivering everything from septic waste to waste trap grease and other solids laden liquids.
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