A WWTP just expanded and upgraded their pump facilities. The facility chose double diaphragm pumps to transfer sewage from digesters for secondary treatment. Project participants included Mud Sucker Diaphragm Pumps and pump manufacturer Wastecorp Pumps.
Diaphragm Pump for Sewage Pumping
by wastecorp
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Technology Companies Using Mud Sucker Pumps
by wastecorp
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Wastecorp went right to work for HP designing and manufacturing two Mud Sucker 3B Series Professional diaphragm pumps to pump cooling tower condenser water, also called backwash pumps. The pumps were designed to continuously pump the condenser water between 60-80°F. In keeping with HP’s goal of exploring new strategies for reducing the environmental impact of next-generation data centers Wastecorp designed the mud Sucker with energy saving Siemens 3 phase motors and Sew Eurodrive gear boxes. Hp’s Mud Sucker’s were designed in an inline-piping configuration to save space at the facility. Santoprene diaphragms were included to help maximize component life with higher temperature liquids being constant.
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