We operate a saltwater marina and offer a sewage pump out service to our customers. We currently have a peristaltic pump out system but we are looking for something less complicated and more user friendly. We send the pumped out sewage through a magnetic flow meter, up to shore and to the public utility. We are billed by the utility based on our flow meter readings.
Marine Pump Outs

How to Plan a Marine Pump Out Station

Planning a marine pump out station is essential to getting the appropriate pump out equipment for your marina. Consulting other marinas in your area or a marine pump manufacturer ahead of when you actually need the system installed is your best bet. Wastecorp has generally found that marinas seem to be getting larger boat and yacht traffic in the last few years that need to be pumped out.
read moreWhat Commercial Marine Operators Should Consider Under MARPOL ANNEX 5

Commercial marine operators around the world should understand that the Marpol Annex five prohibits the disposal of cooking oil, slurries and other substances which may be considered toxic to the marine environment. All of these substances are no longer permitted to be dumped at sea no matter how far offshore.
Marina Pump Outs and The New MARPOL Annex V

As many marinas know, the new MARPOL Annex 5 which prohibits disposal of garbage from ships, yachts and boats (which includes certain types of wastewater) have come into effect as of January 1, 2013. The new regulations set specific requirements for disposing of black water, cooking oil, grey water, residues, liquid detergents and animal waste.