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How to Replace a Dry Prime Trash Pump

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As pump manufacturers, we have seen a surge in end users and pump distributors inquiring about alternatives to dry prime pumps mounted on either a skid or wheels. Some have complained about the repair parts and service needed for dry prime pumps. Others aren’t thrilled about the big box multinational pump manufacturers' aggressive pushes of this type of product as one of the “only” solutions for trash pump style dry prime pumps. Jake R. from Milwaukee, WI describes a common application for trash pumps below:

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Trash Pumps: Selecting The Right Pump

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When looking for a trash pump for your rental, municipal, industrial or mining pump application, you will likely encounter dozens of manufacturers out there. The pump industry is certainly not short on selection. But here’s what you should know: sizing the right pump for your application can not only help you get the right pump, but may also prevent premature pump wear and maintenance down the road.

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Trash Pump Updates – The New Trash Flow

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Wastecorp is pleased to launch the new Trash Flow Trash pump line. Trash Flow pumps are available as self priming centrifugal models for municipal and industrial applications as well as compact trash pumps for contractor use. What makes this product line our best ever is that current users looking to replace their existing brand can simply drop the new Trash Flow into place with no piping changes.

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Wastecorp Keeps Pumping Through New England Storm

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The show was to kick off Wastecorp’s 2015 promotional campaign with its Sludge Pro Double Disc Pumps, Mud Sucker Diaphragm Pumps, Trash Flow Trash Pumps and Sludge Master Plunger Pumps. The NEWEA annual conference in January involves many of Wastecorp’s nearby Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Plymouth, Providence, City of Boston, Sandwich, City of New Haven

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