Waste trap grease pumps for commercial applications can be used for a wide variety of applications involving pumping grease from the source to a suitable treatment area. One such pump for pumping waste trap grease is the Mud Sucker Diaphragm pump which is used in shopping centers, hospitals, school cafeterias, restaurants, prisons and other government institutions where pumping grease for treatment is required.
Commercial Waste Trap Grease Pumps – What to Know

Pumping Out Tanks With Diaphragm Pumps

You name the tank that needs to be pumped out and we have heard of at least a few customer applications that correspond with that tank. Underground septic tanks, lagoon transfer, transport truck tankers, locomotive tankers, waste pits and waste vegetable oil drums are among the most popular. What you have to keep in mind is that in most of these applications, you will need a pump that can easily maneuver in areas to access the discharge valve or at least some place where you can place the suction hose.
read moreHow to Pump Out Waste Oil

Pumping out waste motor oil, gear oil and other fluids like coolant, and grease can be easy for auto repair jobs, boat service and repair and tractor service for farms and utility vehicles. The Wastecorp waste collection systems store old engine fluids in a waste tote tank and can be outfitted with mobile systems like the model you see here.
read moreHow to Pump Wet Wipes and Cooking Oil

In North America, municipal wastewater treatment operators routinely voice their concerns to Wastecorp about the use of wet pipes by the general public and then flushing them down the toilet. “Do you guys make a pump that can better handle the wet wipes” is a question Wastecorp frequently receives at our sludge pump call centers. Jim K. from Winston Salem North Carolina tells it like it is:
Honey Wagons: How to Set-Up and Use

Getting the most of your honey wagon pump out system will help you maximize your day-to-day productivity. In the video above you will see how to use the honey wagon to pump both into and out of the tank with the same pump. You will also see how easy it is to change the direction of flow when needed.
read morePortable Waste Oil Recovery Pumps

Waste oil recovery is a hot topic right now in the world of pumps. For facilities with multiple storage tanks or sites, a portable pump may be a great option considering the alternatives. Traditionally vacuum pump trucks have been one of the only options available to transfer waste oil from tanks, cargo, tanker ships, on site storage facilities and more. This is no longer the case.