One of the questions we get from municipal emergency management agencies and larger corporations is if there is an economical method of providing clean drinking water via trailer or skid. Gilbert K from Clay County TN exemplifies some of the concerns about providing potable water in his community:
We have a rural community of about 20 residents where drinking water is not always accessible. A water truck service has been costing us a fortune to fill the residential drinking water tanks serving the homes. We are trying to reduce our budget by possibly investing in our own water trailer system but the unit has to be safe for storing and dispensing drinking water. We would be filling the water trailer either at the municipal water treatment plant 20 miles away or by a fire hydrant closer to the community. We also want to make sure that an F-150 truck can safely tow this trailer full. Please provide suggestions and a budgetary proposal. Thank you Gilbert – Clay County, TN USA.
Gilbert, you have a lot of options to provide your own municipal drinking water transportation system. We call it a water trailer or water wagon. We have supplied disaster relief agencies and emergency management government with the WT-500-DT for years – see the pictures in this post or click on the photo to see the website specs of the unit. This system features a 525 gallon FDA approved clean water tank, high pressure water distribution pump and hoses that are approved for drinking water use.

You have a few options with the trailer. If you are transporting the water trailer on rural roads then you will need a DOT approved model which includes electric brakes and lighting package. A full water tank load is heavy so we recommend it whether or not you are towing it on a public road. The frame and deck is completely galvanized. Government agencies require their equipment to last longer so this way the components are better protected from weather. We also offer a utility trailer. This does not include a deck, brakes or lighting but is still galvanized and suitable to transport full tank loads.
You will notice that the water trailer hoses are blue and grey. These colors are important because they tell you they have been tested and approved for drinking water use. The grey plumbing that dispenses the water through the pump is also residential grade so it’s the same piping used to provide drinking water in homes.
Water Trailer Pump
The pump itself is made of cast aluminum and is rated for drinking water use. Food grade pumps are available as well but do cost more.
Cost of a Water Trailer System
Most of our customers realize a significant cost savings of having their own water trailer with 12 months of ownership. These systems typically start off in the $5800 USD range and go up to about $25000 for the large 2500 gallon models. If you have any questions definitely speak to a water trailer expert. To view a list of water trailer models for drinking water transportation visit: https://wastecorp.com/Products/Water-Trailers
You can reach a professional in this industry by calling 1-888-829-2783 or email info@wastecorp.com