Last year, Wastecorp fielded dozens of calls and e-mails from RV owners asking about an easier way to empty black water (from toilets) and grey water from wash basins and kitchen sinks. The general problem with emptying these tanks is that hoses and plastic connectors tend to leak making for a potentially unsanitary pump out environment not to mention the yuck factor. We went to work over the winter and designed the new universal twist-on RV adapter. This universal sewer adapter is ideal for leak free and quick pump outs with no mess. The adapter is specifically designed to connect to all Valterra/Grentec/Anonda and Thetford lug systems. The 2″ NPT x 4 point Bayonet hook design easily fits most sewer connections. Like all of our pump accessories the universal sewer adapter is designed to last a lifetime. Thanks to all of our recreational staff for designing this cool new attachment (many of our staff are getting ready to try it themselves). Happy motoring this season and make every pump out a safe one.
New Sewer Adapter for Recreational Vehicles
Posted on by Wastecorp team