Did you ever consider starting a food type grease or waste oil collection service? Did you ever wonder what kind of equipment you would need to start to become a “greaser”? The tough economy has enabled many creative local entrepreneurs to start their own business.
There are a few factors to consider when beginning this type of business: First, consider what kind of oil collection business you want to start – there is the mobile collection system where you collect the waste oil using a truck mounted pump out and temporary storage tank. You may also consider developing a treatment facility to transfer fats, oil and grease to offer customers the full service oil collection business.
Mobile Collection Systems

Many restaurants, car dealers, truck and car washes, paint factories and industrial facilities look to eliminate the headache of disposing of used oils. In many areas local bylaws require companies to dispose of used oils properly.
Smaller oil collection companies begin with a pick up truck and between a 150-800 gallon tank system with a Mud Sucker Diaphragm pump out system. This system is designed to be mounted directly in the cargo bed of your truck or you can build your own to suit your needs. Larger collection companies tend to go with a vacuum truck service to quickly suck out waste trap grease and other oils. This is a more costly start up but you can also accomplish more in your daily services.
Waste Oil Collection Facility
Click on the video above and you will see a facility designed by one of our customers who started out with one oil collection business in Philadelphia, PA and has expanded two to more in Irving, TX and San Diego CA. Wastecorp provided the Mud Sucker diaphragm pump out for their operations and they designed a specialized screening system to separate animal fat, grease and other solids from waste oil, vegetable oil and trap waste. The size of the facility shown in the video is recommended for a mid-size start up and they did a great job with the piping and valve system. If you are considering starting a waste oil collection business in your town, give Wastecorp a call and we can provide you with some helpful tips in designing and starting your own local small business. Call 1-888-829-2783 or email info@wastecorp.com
Looking for grease vacuuming trailers