Primary sludge pumps are typically used in municipal Wastewater treatment facilities to transfer digested sewage and sludge.
Primary Sludge Pumps at a WWTP

New Diaphragm Pump Options for Malaysia

The Mud Sucker Diaphragm Pump is expanding its presence across Malaysia with a wide variety of our Global pump products available in Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Terengganu, Kota Bharu, Ipoh, Kerteh and Dungun. Our diaphragm pumps have made great headway replacing older technology air operated double diaphragm pumps (AODD pumps) across the country due to increased attention
read moreHow to Pump Cooking Oil from Restaurants

In this post we provide answers to the question of how to pump out used cooking oil from restaurant waste collection bins especially in colder weather? Used cooking oil transforms into a gel when the surrounding temperature dips below 40°F (4°C). This makes the fluid very difficult to pump. Roger F., from Charlotte, NC conveys the difficulty in pumping cooking oil:
"We are trying to find optimum pumping solution for pumping used cooking oil (uco) from 100- 300 gallon grease bins
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