Did you ever consider starting a food type grease or waste oil collection service? Did you ever wonder what kind of equipment you would need to start to become a "greaser"? The tough economy has enabled many creative local entrepreneurs to start their own business.
Start a Small Business: Pumping Waste Oil, Vegetable Oil and Grease Trap Waste
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Vacuum Trailers For Off-Road Pump Applications
by Daniel Starr
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If you’re pumping out septic, waste trap grease, waste oil, jet fuel or other tough to pump fluids in offroad applications, like agricultural use, sandy beaches,
read moreWhat You Didn’t Know About Double Disc Pumps
by wastecorp
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Can a Double Disc Pump Have Ball Valves?
Yes. In fact, ball valve technology is helping to usher in the next era of double disc style pumps. The ball valves help to break up solids and make pumping thicker municipal sewage easier. The ball valves also make it much easier to maintain the pump.