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What Kind of Dry Prime Pump Should We Use at our Water Treatment Facility

December, 2023 2

We get a lot of questions from WWTP’s and public works departments asking about the differences between regular trash pumps on a trailer with diesel engines and dry prime pumps. The following question from a municipal pump operator exemplifies the discussion:

Hi, we use your double disc pumps at our primary scum pumping operation but we also have a need for a dry prime pump or a regular trash pump for pumping out our digesters for

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The Agony of Lobe Pumps and Their Alternatives

December, 2023 3

The first visit to a wastewater treatment plant with lobe pumps was a shocker. $550,000 in replacement parts costs spent over the course of just 3-4 years. My response to the plant operator was, “you haven’t spent $550,000 in plunger pump parts over 30 years” so why is the consulting engineer specifying those types of pumps!”

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