a Memphis, Tennessee area sewage treatment plant which recently installed a Space Saver after trying double disc and progressive cavity pumps
The Problem of Space Constraints at Wastewater Treatment Plants

What Kind of Dry Prime Pump Should We Use at our Water Treatment Facility

We get a lot of questions from WWTP’s and public works departments asking about the differences between regular trash pumps on a trailer with diesel engines and dry prime pumps. The following question from a municipal pump operator exemplifies the discussion:
Hi, we use your double disc pumps at our primary scum pumping operation but we also have a need for a dry prime pump or a regular trash pump for pumping out our digesters for
read moreThe Agony of Lobe Pumps and Their Alternatives

The first visit to a wastewater treatment plant with lobe pumps was a shocker. $550,000 in replacement parts costs spent over the course of just 3-4 years. My response to the plant operator was, “you haven’t spent $550,000 in plunger pump parts over 30 years” so why is the consulting engineer specifying those types of pumps!”
read moreQuestions: How to Plan a Pump Out for a Larger Marina

I need to outfit our 200 slip marina with new pump stations with one larger pump to feed the sewage up a 100 ft. hill at approx. a 6 degree slope. The problem is that our slips are spread out without a consistent layout. What kind of pump system do you recommend?
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