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New Condensate Pumps for NYC WWTP

Wastecorp Team 2

This was just the case for Coney Island’s condensate vacuum pump operations located less than one hundred feet from an inland waterway that flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Salt water destroyed the existing Mud Hog diaphragm pumps, valve systems and electrical panels causing tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Diaphragm Pumps

Wastecorp Team 3

This comprehensive guide containts everything you need to know about diaphragm pumps. We'll explain how diaphragm pumps work, what they’re made of, and what they’re used for. We’ll also outline the different types of diaphragm pumps, review the installation process, and discuss routine maintenance – so you can get the most out of your pump.

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Honey Wagons: How to Set-Up and Use

Wastecorp Team 9

Getting the most of your honey wagon pump out system will help you maximize your day-to-day productivity. In the video above you will see how to use the honey wagon to pump both into and out of the tank with the same pump. You will also see how easy it is to change the direction of flow when needed.

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How a Double Disc Pump Works

Wastecorp Team 10

We have all seen the outside of a double disc pump but rarely do we see what makes the pump actually work. Just to review, a double disc pump is a positive displacement pump that uses a trunnion (elastomer), a disc and a connecting rod to force sewage from the suction side to the discharge side of the pump by creating a vacuum inside the pump body. The valve chambers with the black check valves you see in the photo help to manage higher than normal concentrations of grit and solids in municipal wastewater.

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