In North America, municipal wastewater treatment operators routinely voice their concerns to Wastecorp about the use of wet pipes by the general public and then flushing them down the toilet. “Do you guys make a pump that can better handle the wet wipes” is a question Wastecorp frequently receives at our sludge pump call centers. Jim K. from Winston Salem North Carolina tells it like it is:
How to Pump Wet Wipes and Cooking Oil
by wastecorp
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Pump Industry News: Replacing a Komline Sanderson Plunger Pump
by wastecorp
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Many of our wastewater treatment plant operators looking to upgrade their sewage pumps to the next generation plunger pumps have a wide set of options for a no piping change or little alternation to the existing set up. New sewage pumps can help make the facility more efficient and productive. This is available to Komline Sanderson and Carter Plunger Pump customers.
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