Waste trap grease pumps for commercial applications can be used for a wide variety of applications involving pumping grease from the source to a suitable treatment area. One such pump for pumping waste trap grease is the Mud Sucker Diaphragm pump which is used in shopping centers, hospitals, school cafeterias, restaurants, prisons and other government institutions where pumping grease for treatment is required.
For example, an engineer in Miami, Florida was tasked with designing a pump system for a large mixed use shopping center with restaurants and other attractions that involve pumping from grease pits to a collection area. The challenge was configuring the piping through the multi-level shopping center which was under construction and meeting city bylaws for proper waste trap grease treatment. The engineering firm and the contractor contacted Wastecorp to inquire about the Mud Sucker Diaphragm Pump’s track record in grease trap waste pumping.