Diaphragm Pumps Now Available With Control Panels

Diaphragm Pump with Control Panel
Diaphragm Pump with Control Panel

One of the trending customer requests this past year is custom diaphragm pump stations equipped with control panels and mobility options. To give you an example (and some ideas for your own pump application), one of our customers who happens to be one of the largest snack food producers globally, contacted Wastecorp’s engineering department asking for design proposals for a 3″ diaphragm pump out system complete with a mobility kit and the ability to directly control the pump operation. The diaphragm pump unit needed to be manufactured to maneuver easily on the factory floor aisles with custom dimensions. The pumps  travel throughout the facility transferring chocolate based waste slurry and vegetable oil residues.

Look to the left and this is what our pump engineers came up with. This is the 3FA-EC diaphragm pump control panel model with e-stop, push bottom start and a specialized float system which detects when the pump should begin operating and automatically turn off.   The customer ended up ordering 10 units for other facilities. The best part of this case study is that Wastecorp and our customer are in constant contact reviewing the benefits of the pump system and making design changes for future facility needs. We work one-on-one for custom results and constant improvement.


Pump With Transformer
Pump With Transformer

The Mud Sucker diaphragm pump with transformer you see here is designed with a more compact installation in mind. The customer ordered this Mud Sucker 3″ diaphragm pump for assembly line food processing waste transfer tasks. This unit transfers waste pit slurries and detects when the pit is empty or in need of pumping. The pump is also equipped with an alarm system to automatically turn off if a problem is detected which helps to protect facility staff and the pump. What’s your custom pump need? Wastecorp can help answer all of your questions. Speak to one of our engineering support representatives today at 1-888-829-2783 or email techsupport@wastecorp.com

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