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Marine Pump Outs

Wastecorp Blog - Part 6 1

We operate a saltwater marina and offer a sewage pump out service to our customers. We currently have a peristaltic pump out system but we are looking for something less complicated and more user friendly. We send the pumped out sewage through a magnetic flow meter, up to shore and to the public utility. We are billed by the utility based on our flow meter readings.

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Wastecorp Mud Sucker Pumps Now Available With Variable Frequency Drives

Wastecorp Blog - Part 6 3

Do you need to adjust the speed of your pump’s electric motor, modulating the power being delivered? We’ve got good news; all Mud Sucker diaphragm pump models are now available with a variable frequency drive (VFD). VFD’s help to accommodate fluctuating demand by adjusting pump energy consumption and costs by adjusting the amount of power delivered to the motor for pumping specific tasks.

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Honey Wagons: How to Set-Up and Use

Wastecorp Blog - Part 6 4

Getting the most of your honey wagon pump out system will help you maximize your day-to-day productivity. In the video above you will see how to use the honey wagon to pump both into and out of the tank with the same pump. You will also see how easy it is to change the direction of flow when needed.

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Oil Water Separator Pumps

Wastecorp Blog - Part 6 7

State-of-the art food processing facilities and the engineers who design them have a challenge in finding the right pumps and control panels to transfer process wastewater. This was the case for fast food restaurant chain White Castle’s brand new innovative processing center in Vandalia, Ohio USA. Wastecorp worked with White Castle, local contractor PAE and Associates (who specialize in Wastewater treatment plant construction) and

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