Pumping wastewater in Nassau County NY poses unique challenges. First the county borders Long Island Sound to the North and the Atlantic ocean to the south which can bring variations in both weather and the types of wastewater that need to be pumped. Nassau County is home to over 1.3 million residents with a mix of suburban residents and vacation properties.
The City of Long Beach, New York was impacted by Hurricane Sandy several years ago. The municipal wastewater treatment plant experienced flooding and equipment damage. An additional challenge is a nearby recreation center that includes a golf center. With golf balls and other debris entering the sewage system, the pumps were requested to manage unexpected solids. Wastecorp was awarded the bid to replace an existing plunger pump to upgrade the existing infrastructure. Since the facility is so close to the ocean, a grinder was also installed to manage storm surge debris that will likely occur in the future.
Wastecorp worked with local Long island public works contractor Phillip Ross Industries to design, manufacture and install a Sludge Master Plunger Pump PE 942 plunger pump with up to 170 GPM sludge handling capabilities. The job included one day of start up training with a Wastecorp factory representative. Wastecorp’s direct drive sewage pump replaced an older belt and pulley design. The direct drive model reduces regular maintenance and improves the stability of the shaft for improved durability. The motor is also mounted higher on the pump than a belt driven model which aids in situations of flooding. The electrical work has less chance of being damaged in such a situation.
Wastecorp has over 100 pump installations across Long Island, the Hamptons and all of Nassau County. We work with local contractors to meet the needs of residents and vacationers alike.