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Pumping Wastewater in Nassau County

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Pumping wastewater in Nassau County NY poses unique challenges. First the county borders Long Island Sound to the North and the Atlantic ocean to the south which can bring variations in both weather and the types of wastewater that need to be pumped. Nassau County is home to over 1.3 million residents with a mix of suburban residents and vacation properties.

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Orange County Waste Acceptance Facility Looks for Pump Solutions

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Orange county is home to dozens of resorts, hotels and theme parks which generate tens of millions of gallons of wastewater that needs to be treated every year. When an Orlando Florida renewable energy company earned a multiyear contract to accept waste from local resorts and theme parks, they needed severe duty pumps to transfer thick slurries and solids.

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Resolving Sewage Pump Problems at Smaller WWTP’s

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How to resolve sewage pumping problems at smaller WWTP’s is a question on the minds of thousands of operators worldwide. These facilities pump municipal sewage, storm water, melting snow, road grit and so much more for smaller communities. While the gallons per day pumped may not be as high as urban sewage treatment plants, the need for reliable sludge pumps is just as great. Wastecorp was contacted by a South New Jersey WWTP to provide upgraded sewage pumps to transfer wastewater, sludge and storm water from a smaller holding tank area. The pumps then transfer waste to both the facility’s lift station and digesters. The sewage pumps were also specified to unload local tanker trucks delivering everything from septic waste to waste trap grease and other solids laden liquids.

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Double Disc Pump Comparison Guide for Engineers, Operators and Pump Distributors

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Wastecorp has published a double disc pump comparison guide for consulting engineers, end users and pump distributors. This resource explains the difference between two different pump types and the methods each use to pump sewage, sludge and wastewater. You can download this comparison guide by clicking here or continuing to read below.

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