“We are using Aod pumps side by side at our manufacturing facility to pump jelly type slurry wastewater and waste oil or a combination of that. These AOD pumps are costing us $1000 to $2000 a piece to rebuild. They provide poor performance and the energy costs are ridiculous. This is the 21st century, there has to be a better alternative!! What can Wastecorp offer? Tim K. - Everett, Washington
Aod Pumps: Repair it or Replace it?
by wastecorp
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Pulp and Paper Process Pumps and You
by Daniel Starr
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Pulp and paper processors, saw mills and carton companies have a challenge in finding the right pumping equipment for various parts of their processes. Mineral processing, log washing, fan pumps, effluent sumps and hot pond transfer are just some of the applications this industry faces. Operators often do not have all the information needed to select the right size and style of pumps needed for this variety of pumping needs around their facility.
read morePumping Systems For Public and Private Prisons: A Guide
by Daniel Starr
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As pump equipment manufacturers for both public and private prison operations including the Federal Bureau of Prisons in the USA and the Correctional Service of Canada, Wastecorp encounters various [...]
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