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Silt Pumping Applications: What You Should Know

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When we hear about silt pumping applications it usually involves pumping from a mining site, fruit juice concentrate or dredging application. Often, job site operators have contained the silt-laden wastewater in either a holding tank or tote tank. Typically, the liquid waste must be treated or pumped to a larger containment area.

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Technology Companies Using Mud Sucker Pumps

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Wastecorp went right to work for HP designing and manufacturing two Mud Sucker 3B Series Professional diaphragm pumps to pump cooling tower condenser water, also called backwash pumps. The pumps were designed to continuously pump the condenser water between 60-80°F. In keeping with HP’s goal of exploring new strategies for reducing the environmental impact of next-generation data centers Wastecorp designed the mud Sucker with energy saving Siemens 3 phase motors and Sew Eurodrive gear boxes. Hp’s Mud Sucker’s were designed in an inline-piping configuration to save space at the facility. Santoprene diaphragms were included to help maximize component life with higher temperature liquids being constant.

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Oil Water Separator Pumps

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State-of-the art food processing facilities and the engineers who design them have a challenge in finding the right pumps and control panels to transfer process wastewater. This was the case for fast food restaurant chain White Castle’s brand new innovative processing center in Vandalia, Ohio USA. Wastecorp worked with White Castle, local contractor PAE and Associates (who specialize in Wastewater treatment plant construction) and

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Double Disc Pumps and Municipal Sewage Pumping

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For years, we have been asking wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) what they like about double disc pumps and what they don’t like. We have even been compiling a database with what regions of the USA and Canada have success with this type of pump for sewage and which areas have had more challenges.

One of the things that most WWTP’s say is that there has been limited competition in the specifications put out for bid by municipalities and consulting engineers working on wastewater projects. As we all know a monopoly in the pump industry is seldom a good thing for quality, innovation and of course pricing for pumps and parts.

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Food Waste to Energy Pumps: What You Should Know

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Our client is currently using progressive cavity pumps in a food waste to energy application. The problem is the seafood shells and other abrasive matter are destroying the rotors and costing the facility a fortune in repair costs. They are fed up and want another alternative. You were referred to us by another client who has used your plunger pumps with success for this application and suggested I call you.

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Juice Process Pumps: Pump Case Study

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It's always amazing to see how many different uses there are for pumps and the juice production industry is one of the most interesting and growing markets for Wastecorp pump products. One of our customers, Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc. required a pump for its North Bend, Oregon processing facilities The ubiquitous Ocean Spray brand name is synonymous with everything cranberries. In fact, Ocean spray is an agricultural cooperativewith over 650 member growers of cranberries and grapefruit. Ocean Spray produces a variety of juices, dried fruits, fresh fruits and flavored snacks.

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