Wastecorp has released updated pump brochures and buyers guides for our marina, campground or commercial marine customers just in time for the height of the season. The new literature includes sample installations and a host of new products like honey wagons designed to help get these jobs done faster than ever before. You can download the brochures or request by mail.
Marinas Pump Outs, Campground Pump Outs and Commercial Marine Pump News

Diaphragm Pumps Now Available With Control Panels

One of the trending customer requests this past year is custom diaphragm pump stations equipped with control panels and mobility options. To give you an example (and some ideas for your own pump application), one of our customers who happens to be one of the largest snack food producers globally, contacted Wastecorp's engineering department asking for design proposals for a 3" diaphragm pump out system complete with a mobility kit and the ability to directly control the pump operation.
read moreCompact Marine Pump Out System Makes Debut

If your marina is looking for a compact dock side pump out station this season check out the ultra compact Mud Sucker Marine pump out system. The best part about this system is that it was completely engineered with marina operator input. We asked marinas what new pump out products would most benefit their boaters and the facility.
read moreHow to Select a Pump for Paint Manufacturing

When paint production facilities require pumping equipment to transfer paint there are a number of factors that should be considered. From understanding the abrasives in the paint to the configuration of your production floor here are some tips to keep in mind:
read moreTrash Pump Updates – The New Trash Flow

Wastecorp is pleased to launch the new Trash Flow Trash pump line. Trash Flow pumps are available as self priming centrifugal models for municipal and industrial applications as well as compact trash pumps for contractor use. What makes this product line our best ever is that current users looking to replace their existing brand can simply drop the new Trash Flow into place with no piping changes.
read moreInformation Resource About Plunger Pumps

Good news for plunger pumps owners, Wastecorp has launched a website, myplungerpump.com which focuses on the needs of municipal and industrial plunger pump operators. The website includes five sections about plunger pump technology, a positive displacement pump used to transfer sewage and sludge.
read moreSewage Handling Lift Stations

Our latest Wastecorp trash pump sewage lift stations have hit the market with two to four unit pump models available. Whether you need to replace your above ground, below ground, pre-engineered or auto-start pump stations there are a number of options available to you. For example, all pre-engineered sewage lift stations can accommodate up to 10" trash pumps capable of pumping up to 3500 GPM.
read moreAir Operated Diaphragm Pumps

Air Operated Diaphragm Pump
For facilities looking to upgrade existing air operated single or double diaphragm pump systems, now could not be a better time to
read moreCool Waste Oil Collection Pumping System From Our Customers

Mud Sucker 2FA Series Diaphragm pumps are known for their versatility for oil collection systems, especially waste trap grease, transmission fluids and motor oil. Many of our innovative customers also design their own collection systems. In the installation you see here, one customer used two Mud-Sucker 2FA-EC (electric) diaphragm pumps to set up a new waste oil collection system at a city bus depot. The bus depot collects motor oil and transmission oil in drain pans. The waste is then gravity fed into two, 275 gallon collection tanks, each tank having a pump and float system. The oil is then sucked up and discharged into a common 2″ riser travelling up 25 feet. The oil travels horizontally for 161 feet and then drops 25 feet into a larger storage tank. The suction and discharge height are well within the limits of these Mud-Sucker pumps.
read moreA Slurry Pump Solution for Mining Companies

BW Safety Pump Series
One of the more popular mining pumps for pumping slurry and sediment at coal mines, copper mines and silver mines for over two generations
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