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Benefits of Sludge Pro Double Disc Pumps

Double Disc Pumps

Sludge Pro Double disc pumps, use a unique induced flow principle to transfer sludges and other fluids. This encompasses a broad spectrum of viscosities, solid contents, and abrasive characteristics. In this article, we delve into specifics of double disc pump design, operational principles, versatile applications, and inherent advantages.

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How to Pump Wet Wipes and Cooking Oil

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In North America, municipal wastewater treatment operators routinely voice their concerns to Wastecorp about the use of wet pipes by the general public and then flushing them down the toilet. “Do you guys make a pump that can better handle the wet wipes” is a question Wastecorp frequently receives at our sludge pump call centers. Jim K. from Winston Salem North Carolina tells it like it is:

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Double Disc Pumps and Municipal Sewage Pumping

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For years, we have been asking wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) what they like about double disc pumps and what they don’t like. We have even been compiling a database with what regions of the USA and Canada have success with this type of pump for sewage and which areas have had more challenges.

One of the things that most WWTP’s say is that there has been limited competition in the specifications put out for bid by municipalities and consulting engineers working on wastewater projects. As we all know a monopoly in the pump industry is seldom a good thing for quality, innovation and of course pricing for pumps and parts.

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Diaphragm Pump for Sewage Pumping

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A WWTP just expanded and upgraded their pump facilities. The facility chose double diaphragm pumps to transfer sewage from digesters for secondary treatment. Project participants included Mud Sucker Diaphragm Pumps and pump manufacturer Wastecorp Pumps.

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How a Double Disc Pump Works

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We have all seen the outside of a double disc pump but rarely do we see what makes the pump actually work. Just to review, a double disc pump is a positive displacement pump that uses a trunnion (elastomer), a disc and a connecting rod to force sewage from the suction side to the discharge side of the pump by creating a vacuum inside the pump body. The valve chambers with the black check valves you see in the photo help to manage higher than normal concentrations of grit and solids in municipal wastewater.

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Orange County Waste Acceptance Facility Looks for Pump Solutions

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Orange county is home to dozens of resorts, hotels and theme parks which generate tens of millions of gallons of wastewater that needs to be treated every year. When an Orlando Florida renewable energy company earned a multiyear contract to accept waste from local resorts and theme parks, they needed severe duty pumps to transfer thick slurries and solids.

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