Dry Prime Pumps for Water Authorities and Cities. Water Authorities typically have a need for high flow rate, high suction and discharge pumps for their applications. Dry prime pumps are one of the most popular products for water authorities because of the multitude of situations involved on any given day. For example, heavy rainfall, storms, hurricanes, polar vortexes and more can pop up at a moment’s notice. This often leads to the need to pump millions of gallons of water from one area to another quickly and productively.
Daily use applications such as pumping out storm sewers, lagoons, flooded roadways, flooded basements and more are issues facing public utilities personnel on a daily basis. Operators expect dry prime pumps to connect quickly to a vehicle and start pumping quickly.
This was just the case for the City of Detroit Water and Sewerage Department and the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA). The city has been on a multi year effort to upgrade infrastructure and equipment in the City of Detroit and surrounding communities. The effort has been paying off as the city and surrounding communities continue to improve and evolve daily.
Wastecorp Trash Flow TFV Series dry prime pumps were specified by the city and GLWA to pump out flooded areas during storms, manhole pumping and dewatering services in and around the City of Detroit.
Trash Flow model TFV-4M dry prime pumps with Tier 4 Final CAT diesel engines were specified to pump up to 1700 Gallons per minute (GPM) and up to 150’ of head. Dry prime pumps differ from trash pumps in that the operator can start out pumping without fluid in the casing. This is helpful to begin pumping immediately without worrying about burning out mechanical seals
The model you see here includes a DOT compliant trailer system with electric brakes, 80 gallon diesel fuel dank, LED trailer lighting system and optional articulating LED flood lights for emergency pumping overnight. The City also required an optional spare tire mounted on the trailer itself. The CAT diesel engine and Murphy control panel also includes an automatic engine shutdown system for low oil pressure or high engine temperature.
Wastecorp also provided on-site dry prime pump training for the City’s operators in a real life pumping scenario so we could simulate how to use the pump quickly. The Wastecorp factory technician demonstrated the use of the pump and identified the main lubrication areas, connecting and storing hoses and towing the pump.

When selecting a dry prime pump for your application ensure that the manufacturer has a proven track record servicing applications and customers both big AND small. Wastecorp is one of these types of manufacturers. For dry prime pump information and specification assistance contact us at 1-888-829-2783 or email info@wastecorp.com.