We have customers constantly calling in and asking about methods to contain wastewater, septic waste, waste oil and industrial chemicals while providing fresh water services at the same time. In most cases, the reason for this is that the pump user wants to pump out dirty water and either rinse or sanitize the area. Barry R. from Los Angeles, CA exemplifies some of the calls we get regarding this issue:
“Hi, the DPW for LA City is looking for a more productive way to pump out septic waste and dirty standing water and then rinse the area after use. We would preferably want one pump and tank system to do the job. We are looking for proposals for our parks, sanitation and road maintenance areas with varying sizes. What do you suggest?” Barry R – Los Angeles, California
Barry, one of the ways you can achieve these results is by looking at the unit we designed for a city agency in the photo above. This unit shows a 725 gallon waste tank with a Mud Sucker Diaphragm Pump doing the dirty work of pumping out. The separate tank you see on the front of the unit is a 150 gallon fresh water tank which is FDA approved for drinking water. There is a separate high pressure pump on board to provide wash down services if you have public venues like street fairs or concerts that require portable toilet pumping or to rinse off streets. Barry, the entire system features a galvanized deck so the DPW doesn’t have to worry about corrosion or premature wear for years to come. As for unit sizes, for your parks as an example, we can design almost any tank size combination. Just as a reference; An Michigan parks department wanted a 100 gallon waste, plus 100 gallon water tank fleet that could be towed by their John Deere Gators. That’s no problem.

Plus, you have the added comfort that many other government agencies use Wastecorp Pump out +fresh water distribution systems as well. Military Agencies use these products for their bases and training centers, construction companies use them on infrastructure projects and more. Hope this helps but contact us if you have any more questions at 1-888-829-2783 or info@wastecorp.com