Many of our wastewater treatment plant operators looking to upgrade their sewage pumps to the next generation plunger pumps have a wide set of options for a no piping change or little alternation to the existing set up. New sewage pumps can help make the facility more efficient and productive. This is available to all plunger pump customers including competing makes like Komline Sanderson* and Carter* Plunger Pump customers.
With a 3 hp motor, and 4″ discharge. Mike D. from Fort Worth Texas illustrates a number of pump questions we get from public utilities operators.
“I am looking to replace 2 Komline Sanderson KS-9 plunger pumps at my wastewater treatment facility. The pump characteristics are 140 GPM at 90 ft head. We get some grit in our sewage and we have a grinder on the suction lines of both pumps. Current pump is duplex plunger pump general arrangement. What is your equivalent of this pump? Do I have to make piping changes to my effluent lines? And what other pumps do you manufacture that we could consider installing? .” Thanks, Mike D. Fort Worth, Texas
Well Mike, you have a few different options when replacing those Komline Sanderson Plunger Pumps. As you know all plunger pumps are positive displacement pumps so you will have pulsation in your lines. Our air chambers which act as pulsation dampeners are on both the suction and the discharge which really helps with thinner runoff. There has been a lot of rain in Texas lately with storms, so this should help. Our Texas rep was at your facility and you would benefit by considering the Sludge Master Plunger Pump PE-942-SS Series. This is a compact sludge plunger pump that can be maneuvered into position near the digester. We also understand that the city does not want to pour new concrete pads for the pumps so no problem here. We would recommend that your plunger pumps have a steel base which can bolt to the floor (no need for a concrete pad). No piping changes needed for the pumps to work, we would just need to add an elbow during the sewage pump manufacturing process

Mike, since your WWTP is doing some digester repairs and you have mobile sludge pumping needs we suggest you try our Sludge Pro double disc pump skid mounted so you can maneuver around your large sewage treatment plant. Check out the photos here. This pump is a monster with Deutz diesel engines, control panel and more. And no you don’t have to crawl underneath this double disc pump like you do the old red kind. This is a more advanced double disc pump.
Either way, we can replace or rebuild your Komline Sanderson Plunger Pump. For more information on replacing your plunger pump call 1-888-829-2783 or visit www.wastecorp.com. *Wastecorp Pumps has no affiliation with Komline Sanderson or Carter Pump. Wastecorp is a competitor. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Trademarks used for reference purpose only.