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Juice Process Pumps: Pump Case Study

Wastecorp Blog - Part 2 4

It's always amazing to see how many different uses there are for pumps and the juice production industry is one of the most interesting and growing markets for Wastecorp pump products. One of our customers, Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc. required a pump for its North Bend, Oregon processing facilities The ubiquitous Ocean Spray brand name is synonymous with everything cranberries. In fact, Ocean spray is an agricultural cooperativewith over 650 member growers of cranberries and grapefruit. Ocean Spray produces a variety of juices, dried fruits, fresh fruits and flavored snacks.

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Dredging Pump Projects Made Easier

Wastecorp Blog - Part 2 7

With dredging applications, Wastecorp generally encounters at least a few different kinds of projects: city or town sanctioned projects that are part of waterway management programs and private projects that include beautification, enhanced recreational access and improved appearance. For public projects, we generally work with engineering

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