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Pulp and Paper Process Pumps and You

Daniel Starr - Part 3 1

Pulp and paper processors, saw mills and carton companies have a challenge in finding the right pumping equipment for various parts of their processes. Mineral processing, log washing, fan pumps, effluent sumps and hot pond transfer are just some of the applications this industry faces. Operators often do not have all the information needed to select the right size and style of pumps needed for this variety of pumping needs around their facility.

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Marine Pump Questions and Answers

Daniel Starr - Part 3 3

Hi, we just bought a marina in Maryland and the pump out we have needs replacement. We are planning on expanding the marina with about 50 more boat slips which will bring our total to about 121. What we would like to explore is a marine vacuum pump out system that can pump out more than one boat at a time. We got quotes on peristaltic marine pumps and my buddy who has a marina doesn’t like them; so that’s out. The previous marina owner also told us that more boaters are pumping out disposable wipes and other weird things in their boat holding tanks that makes having strong suction a necessity. We would like information on vacuum pumps that can sit on a dock and compare what a portable unit would cost. The idea is that we could use the mobile pump out during public holidays when the demand for a pump out is high

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Pumping Wastewater in Nassau County

Daniel Starr - Part 3 4

Pumping wastewater in Nassau County NY poses unique challenges. First the county borders Long Island Sound to the North and the Atlantic ocean to the south which can bring variations in both weather and the types of wastewater that need to be pumped. Nassau County is home to over 1.3 million residents with a mix of suburban residents and vacation properties.

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Orange County Waste Acceptance Facility Looks for Pump Solutions

Daniel Starr - Part 3 7

Orange county is home to dozens of resorts, hotels and theme parks which generate tens of millions of gallons of wastewater that needs to be treated every year. When an Orlando Florida renewable energy company earned a multiyear contract to accept waste from local resorts and theme parks, they needed severe duty pumps to transfer thick slurries and solids.

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