Wet Prime Pump & Dry Prime Pump Comparison

What Are The Differences Between Wet Prime And Dry Prime Pumps?

  1. Wet prime pumps (often called ‘self-primers’) require the casing to be filled with water prior to the first start-up only. After that, the liquid will always remain in the pump volute, so the suction hose can run dry without damaging the pump or seals.

  2. Dry prime pumps are end suction pumps that can run completely dry since the mechanical seal is lubricated in its own separate oil reservoir . It is unable to prime on its own and requires a compressor that creates vacuum through a venturi educator to evacuate the air and prime the pump.

Wet Prime Pumps

Wet Prime Pros

  • Easier Maintenance
  • Fewer moving parts
  • Long-lasting reliability
  • Less expensive than dry prime
  • Does not need compressor or venturi to prime
  • Can handle solids up to 3”
  • Self-Priming up to 25’