Trash Flow Centrifugal Pumps Applications

Paper and Wood
Clarifier scum, drainage sumps, underflow to dewatering, coal pile run off, broke pits, paper machine floor sump, white water service, black liquor sump.

Municipal Solids Handling
Solids handling applications including wastewater treatment, slurries, sump, municipal bypass pumping, emergency backup pump and more.

Chemical - Petrochemical
Detergent cakes, coke slurries, refinery mud, oil waste, lead oxide slurry, storm drains, sulfur froth.

Acid mine water, coal and sand washing, truck wash down, sand and gravel silt ponds, mine dewatering, mill scale runoff, cutting oil transfer

Automotive - Steel Factories
Oil wash down, paint overspray, chrome plating slurries, mill scale, glass and plastic roll grinder coolant. Boiler Blow down.

Theme Parks - Zoos
Wastewater pump house, themed attractions, general water sanitation services, lagoon water circulation.

Orchards - Wineries
From raw juices and high pulp content applications to wastewater, Trash Flow pumps are ideal for wineries and orchard pumping applications.

Food Processing
Blood, fleshings, pork, beef, poultry, fat, fish, potato, all vegetables, fish farming, aquaculture applications.
Trash Flow Pump Applications
Trash pumps are designed for a wide range of wastewater and solids handling applications. With available impeller options and stainless steel self priming centrifugal models, trash pumps are typically made to pump wastewater with some solids. Stringy material is not a trah pump specialty however. From industrial treatment plants, municipal solids handling, settling ponds, remote sewage lift stations, on-site treatment, Trash Flow’s are known for years of consistent and reliable pumping.